The North Chicago Experience
The fight for educational equity is happening throughout Illinois. We’re proud to place a cohort of corps members to teach in District 187 in nearby North Chicago. This is an opportunity for your impact to be felt immediately in a small, close-knit community that has made a huge commitment to student growth through innovation.
What does it look like to teach in North Chicago compared to Chicago?
City Size and Location
North Chicago
Located in Lake County in the north suburbs, North Chicago is about 40 miles north of the city of Chicago. This small community has around 30,000 residents.
We place in 70 schools in 40 communities on the south, southwest, and west sides of Chicago.
School Type
North Chicago
District 187, a traditional public school district (no placement at charter schools)
50% charter school placement
50% traditional public school placement -
District Size
North Chicago
Schools: 6
Students: 3,300Chicago
Schools: 600+
Students: 20,000+ -
District Demographics
North Chicago
43% of students are English Language Learners. D187 has created a Dual Language program to strategically support ELL Learners and teachers
24.7% of students are English Language Learners
School Year Calendar (2024–2025)
North Chicago
First day of school: August 19
Last day of school: June 2Chicago
School calendar TBD but will most likely start 1 week later than D187
Teacher:Student Ratio
North Chicago
District Coaching Support
North Chicago
There are district coaches assigned to each grade level and content area.
Varies based on school type and capacity.
North Chicago
1st year teacher salary is between: $43,000-$45,000
1st year teacher salary is dependent on school type, but is usually around $50,000-$60,000
Grad School Costs
North Chicago
Teach For America will cover the costs of grad school outside of the AmeriCorps award so you’ll have zero out of pocket costs by the end of your 2 years.
After using your AmeriCorps award, the out of pocket cost is around $3,500 per year.
Reach out to Jetaun Whittlesey at jetaun.whittlesey@teachforamerica.org