Licensure | University Partners
Relay Graduate School of Education–Indianapolis
We’re excited to partner with Relay Graduate School of Education for our Northwest Indiana Certification. While you’ll be considered part of the Greater Chicago-Northwest Indiana region, your Relay enrollment will fall under Relay Indianapolis.
The Basics
Two-year program
Master's Degree required
AmeriCorps accepted
Inter-state transferrable license
Classes held online
Application/enrollment begins Spring 2022
Transition to Teach license achieved August 2022
Get to Know Relay
Wonder what being a Relay Graduate Student is like? Watch a video to hear the perspectives of current corps members and learn about Relay's unique "Learn, Practice, Perform" approach to accelerating your development as a teacher leader.
Sample Two-year Program Overview
Frequency of courses :
Year 1
Online classes about 4 weeknights a month
Summer between Year 1 & Year 2
Teachers will have online coursework during the Summer. Dates are not finalized for 2023, but teachers can expect to spend 1-2 weeks in July for their courses
Year 2
Continued online courses
$11,500 per year (Pre-AmeriCorps and TFA subsidy)
The above cost represents your out-of-pocket yearly tuition pre-AmeriCorps award. After using your AmeriCorps education award, Teach For America will then subsidize the remainder of your tuition so there will be no out-of-pocket cost for you.
Application Process
November-January: Read about Relay on the hub, ask the Onboarding team questions.
May-June: Apply to Relay and send in all required transcripts. We’re working with Relay to currently develop the application and hope to have that ready soon.
June-July: Complete Relay Summer Training Orientation & Coursework (this will be built in to your Summer Training experience).
August: Fall semester begins (official first day of Fall classes will be released by Relay during your Orientation at Summer Training).