Licensure | Illinois Content Exams

High School Math Content Exam (208)

If you have been assigned to teach High School Math you will take the Math 208 content exam. Your Math 208 exam is a computer-based test that you can take at a Testing location near you (you don't need to be in Illinois). Most corps members assigned to this content area express some nervousness about this exam because it may include content and information in which you have very limited knowledge. However, with dedicated study time (and proactive outreach for support) we see approximately 95% of corps members pass this exam.


This exam is computer-based (you can take it from a testing center anywhere in the US and some international locations).

  • This exam costs $122.

  • If you fail, you can retake this exam. However, you must wait 14 days before re-testing.


Study Tips

Use the ILTS Study Guide (located below). Recent Corps Members said this was the most helpful study resource!

  • Use a study guide template to plan your studying and hold yourself accountable

  • Carve out time to study and honor that time on your calendar. What does this mean? Make sure you are dedicating real time to studying - if you put a 2 hour block on your calendar then prioritize that commitment (don't schedule over it). On average 90% of folks that studied for at least 10 hours passed this exam.

  • Work together, you are a team! Reach out to each other (and your regional team) via Slack if you need support or have questions!

  • Have compassion for yourself and for others. Sometimes even our best-laid plans have to change because life happens and testing cannot always be a priority. We understand that and are here for you. If you need to change your test date or ask for an extension just reach out to Garrett via a direct message in Slack.

  • Test Taking Strategies (and tips for test anxiety) Check out these strategies on preparing for your exam, taking the exam, and your own wellness. This is especially helpful if you have test anxiety.


What the recent Corps Said

We surveyed recent Corps Members to get their feedback on what worked well and didn’t in preparing for the High School Math exam. Here’s their feedback:

  • The test covers a wide-range of subjects, in particular statistics, algebra, geometry, a little calculus, graphing, trigonometry. The test includes a lot of word problems.

  • The best prep was with the practice exams to get a feel for the question types and contents covered. Use Khan Academy to the supplement the areas that you feel need a refresher or re-teaching on.

  • If you are a math major in college then this test will be a refresher on all the classes you’ve taken. If you aren’t a math major then be sure to plan out enough study time to actually go over these concepts again.


Content Specific Study Resources

Illinois State Board of Education Issued Test Prep

Additional Resources 

  • memberships provided by TFA

    • You can find full instructions to access your free account in this PDF

    • Please use your TFA email address ( when signing up.

    • Please use the access code for our region only, which you can find in the PDF

  • Free Practice Test

    • When you register for your exam, you will be given access automatically from your account to an online practice test. This practice test includes selected-response questions and constructed-response assignment(s), if applicable, representative of the actual test and the following features:

      • A realistic interactive online experience similar to an actual computer-based testing environment

      • An optional tutorial

      • The option to move through the question screens in order, or to return to questions that you may choose to skip at first or to flag for later review

      • Immediate feedback regarding the correct response for each selected-response question and a sample strong response to the constructed-response assignment(s), if applicable

      The following test fields have a second practice test (Form B) with additional sample test questions available for purchase prior to or during registration:

      • Elementary Education (Grades 1–6)

      • Learning Behavior Specialist I

      • Mathematics

      You will have 120 days to access your practice test, beginning on the date of activation.

      While testing, you may pause the practice test and return to it later; you do not have to finish in a single session. Each practice test includes field-specific directions similar to those that will be presented in the operational testing environment. Practice test questions may include graphics, audio materials, and writing assignments, as appropriate.

      Your practice test can be submitted for scoring only once, but it will be available for your review until the end of your 120-day subscription period. After you submit your practice test for scoring, you will receive immediate results.

  • Mometrix Practice Questions

    • Once you apply to NLU and are accepted you’ll be able to access full Mometrix study guides using your NLU email

  • Math Test Design and Framework

  • Illinois Common Core Standards, High School Math

  • Khan Academy (High School Math Standards)


Test Taking Strategies

Review our preparation and anxiety-reducing strategies for better test taking.